Key researchers:
Vivek Nair

Vivek Nair

Gonzalo Munilla Garrido

Gonzalo M. Garrido

Wenbo Guo

Wenbo Guo

James F. O'Brien

James F. O'Brien

Louis Rosenberg

Louis Rosenberg

Dawn Song

Dawn Song

As seen in:

Deep Motion Masking for Secure, Usable, and Scalable Real-Time Anonymization of Virtual Reality Motion Data

2023  |  Vivek Nair · Wenbo Guo · James F. O’Brien · Louis Rosenberg · Dawn Song | arXiv.2311.05090

Recent studies have demonstrated that the motion tracking "telemetry" data used by nearly all VR applications is as uniquely identifiable as a fingerprint scan. Although previous attempts have been made to anonymize VR motion data, we present in this paper a state-of-the-art VR identification model that can convincingly bypass known defensive countermeasures. We then propose a new "deep motion masking" approach that scalably facilitates the real-time anonymization of VR telemetry data…

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Truth in Motion: The Unprecedented Risks and Opportunities of Extended Reality Motion Data

2023  |  Vivek Nair · Louis Rosenberg · James F. O’Brien · Dawn Song  |

Motion tracking "telemetry" data lies at the core of nearly all modern extended reality and metaverse experiences. While generally presumed innocuous, recent studies have demonstrated that motion data actually has the potential to profile and deanonymize XR users, posing a significant threat to security and privacy in the metaverse.

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Inferring Private Personal Attributes of Virtual Reality Users from Head and Hand Motion Data

2023  |  Vivek Nair · Christian Rack · Wenbo Guo · Rui Wang · Shuixian Li · Brandon Huang · Atticus Cull · James F. O'Brien · Marc Latoschik · Louis Rosenberg · Dawn Song |

Motion tracking 'telemetry' data lies at the core of nearly all modern virtual reality (VR) and metaverse experiences. While generally presumed innocuous, recent studies have demonstrated that motion data actually has the potential to uniquely identify VR users. In this study, we go a step further, showing that a variety of private user information can be inferred just by analyzing motion data recorded from VR devices…

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Unique Identification of 50,000+ VR Users from Head & Hand Motion

2023  |  Vivek Nair · Wenbo Guo · Justus Mattern · Rui Wang · James F. O’Brien · Louis Rosenberg · Dawn Song

With the recent explosive growth of interest and investment in VR, public attention has rightly shifted toward the unique security and privacy threats that these platforms may pose. While it has long been known that people reveal information about themselves via their motion, the extent to which this makes an individual globally identifiable within virtual reality has not yet been widely understood. In this study, we show that a large number of real VR users can be uniquely identified across multiple sessions using just their head and hand motion…

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SoK: Data Privacy in Virtual Reality

2022  |  Gonzalo Munilla Garrido · Vivek Nair · Dawn Song  |

The adoption of VR technologies has rapidly gained momentum in recent years as companies around the world begin to position the so-called "metaverse" as the next major medium for accessing and interacting with the internet. While consumers have become accustomed to a degree of data harvesting on the web, the real-time nature of data sharing in the metaverse indicates that privacy concerns are likely to be even more prevalent in the new "Web 3.0." Research into VR privacy has demonstrated that a plethora of sensitive personal information is observable by various would-be adversaries from just a few minutes of telemetry data. This paper aims to systematize knowledge on the landscape of VR privacy threats and countermeasures…

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MetaData: Exploring the Privacy Risks of Adversarial VR Game Design

Vivek Nair · Gonzalo Munilla Garrido · Dawn Song · James F. O'Brien  |

Fifty study participants playtested an innocent-looking "escape room" game in virtual reality (VR). Behind the scenes, an adversarial program had accurately inferred over 25 personal data attributes, from anthropometrics like height and wingspan to demographics like age and gender, within just a few minutes of gameplay. In this work, we illustrate how VR attackers can covertly ascertain dozens of personal data attributes from seemingly-anonymous users of popular metaverse applications…

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MetaGuard: Going Incognito in the Metaverse

2022  |  Vivek Nair · Gonzalo Munilla Garrido · Dawn Song  |
  UIST '23 Best Paper Award

We present the first known method of implementing an "incognito mode" for VR. Our technique leverages local ε-differential privacy to quantifiably obscure sensitive user data attributes, with a focus on intelligently adding noise when and where it is needed most to maximize privacy while minimizing usability impact…

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