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Prospective Students

Course Staff

Instructor (Guest) Co-instructor (Guest) Co-instructor
Dawn Song Xinyun Chen Kaiyu Yang
Professor, UC Berkeley Research Scientist,
Google DeepMind
Research Scientist,

Reader: Tara Pande

Class Time and Location

Lecture: 4-6pm PT Monday at Anthro/Art Building 160

Course Description

Large language model (LLM) agents have been an important frontier in AI, however, they still fall short critical skills, such as complex reasoning and planning, for solving hard problems and enabling end-to-end applications in real-world scenarios. Building on our previous course, this course dives deeper into advanced topics in LLM agents, focusing on reasoning, AI for mathematics, code generation, and program verification. We begin by introducing advanced inference and post-training techniques for building LLM agents that can search and plan. Then, we focus on two application domains: mathematics and programming. We study how LLMs can be used to prove mathematical theorems, as well as generate and reason about computer programs. Specifically, we will cover the following topics:


Under development

Enrollment and Grading

Prerequisites: Students are strongly encouraged to have had experience and basic understanding of Machine Learning and Deep Learning before taking this class, e.g., have taken courses such as CS182, CS188, and CS189.

Please fill out the petition form if you are on the waitlist or can’t get added to the waitlist.

This is a variable-unit course. All enrolled students are expected to participate in lectures in person and complete weekly reading summaries related to the course content. Students enrolling in one unit are expected to submit an article that summarizes one of the lectures. Students enrolling in more than one unit are expected to submit a lab assignment and a project instead of the article. The project of students enrolling in 2 units should have a written report, which can be a survey in a certain area related to LLMs. The project of students enrolling in 3 units should also have an implementation (coding) component that programmatically interacts with LLMs, and the project of students enrolling in 4 units should have a very significant implementation component with the potential for either real world impacts or intellectual contributions. The grade breakdowns for students enrolled in different units are the following:

  1 unit 2 units 3/4 units
Participation 40% 16% 8%
Reading Summaries & Q/A 10% 4% 2%
Quizzes 10% 4% 2%
Article 40%    
Lab   16% 8%
  Proposal   10% 10%
  Milestone 1   10% 10%
  Milestone 2   10% 10%
  Presentation   15% 15%
  Report   15% 15%
  Implementation     20%

Office Hours